What is Not Covered:
Replacement filters are not included in warranty.
Using your dehumidifier for commercial purposes, or anything other than normal domes�c use.
Using your dehumidifier outside of Australia.
Accidental damage or faults caused by negligence, misuse, vandalism or neglect.
Damage or faults caused by not following the instruc�ons in this user manual.
Unsupervised use by children under the age of 18.
Repairs or altera�ons carried out by par�es other than Arovec or an authorised agent.
Damage caused by using filters other than genuine Arovec replacement filters.
All the condi�ons that are not covered by Arovec warranty as listed above.
This warranty is not transferable:
Arovec is not responsible or liable for any damages, losses or inconveniences caused by
product failure or accidental damage or faults caused by not following the instruc�ons or
safety warnings contained in this User Manual.
Please email at
with any further inquiries about Arovec warranty
or to ask about making a warranty claim. You must contact us within your warranty period
for your claim to be eligible.
Once your product proved as a defec�ve within the specified warranty period, stop using it
and contact customer support at
with your order number.
Please feel free to contact our helpful customer support team with any inquiries or ques�ons
regarding Arovec product.
Your sa�sfac�on is our priority!
Customer support: Ausbrilliant Brands, PO Box 2, Ermington 1700, NSW Australia
Please provide your order number when you contact customer support.