display the management, console, and USB ports on the front panel.
Figure 14: Management Ports
1 Link status LED
4 USB port
2 Activity status LED
5 Serial (console) port
3 Ethernet Management port
Connect the ports as follows:
Console (Serial) Port: Connect to a PC with the RJ-45 to DB-9 serial adapter cable. The switch
uses the following default settings:
9600 baud
No flow control
1 stop bit
No parity bits
8 data bits
Ethernet Management Port: Connect to 10/100/1000 management network with RJ-45 Ethernet
USB Port: The USB port may be used for software or configuration updates.
Note: The DCS-7020SR-32C2 chassis has other ports labeled as Alarm, Clk in, Clk Out
and ToD. These ports are not supported. Do not connect any cables to these ports
Excessive bending can damage interface cables, especially optical cables.
Flexion excessive peut endommager les câbles d’interface, notamment des câbles optiques.