14.148.- / A414D en / Software 1.30
History printout
The transfer of the last events made on the pump can be done either by this way:
Switch the pump on while keeping the key "100" pressed.
Or by this way:
Switch the pump on while keeping the keys "MODE" and "START/STOP" pressed and go in the configura-
tion mode.
Select address 399 on the left display of the pump.
Start capturing text received over the serial interface, e.g. by selecting "capturing text..." in the menu of
the Hyper terminal. A text file which contains the history printout will now be generated.
Enter the data 4567 on the right display of the pump.
Press the "START/STOP" key.
The pump will now transfer the last events made on the pump in the format mentioned below.
Stop the capturing of the text received; this will also close the text file generated.
The generated text file can be opened and printed out by any text program.
History printout (sample)
/***** History *****/
Mon 28-Aug-2000 08:42:44
Pump off
Mon 28-Aug-2000 11:54:38
Rate = 123.0ml/h
IV-Set = 3
Total = 0050.0ml
PrLimit = 0500mbar
Infsum = 0054.0ml
Status = 0x0000
Pump on
Mon 28-Aug-2000 15:01:58
Rate = 010.0ml/h
IV-Set = 3
Total = 0050.0ml
PrLimit = 0500mbar
Infsum = 0009.0ml
Status = 0x0000
The possible messages are:
Battery defective
Battery low prealarm
Battery low, pump stop
Bolus start
Bolus stop
External power off
External power on
Bolus total reached
Occlusion, pump stop
PrLimit change
PC configuration failure
PC configuration done
Pump has detected failure
Pump off
Pump on
Pump start
Pump stop (KVO)
Rate change
Enter setup mode
Exit setup mode
Transport off
Transport on
Too many drops, pump stop
Inf-set change
Timer alarm, pump stop (KVO)
Total volume reached, pump stop (KVO)
Datalock off
Datalock on
Infsum cleared
No drops, pump stop
Not enough drops, pump stop
Door open, pump stop
Air bubble, pump stop