If you experience any problems with the adapter, first make sure
the appropriate driver is loaded, the proper cable is connected to
the adapter port and the hub complies with the adapter
specification, such as 10Mbps 10BaseT or 100Mbps 100BaseTX,
then check the LED.
The adapter provides one LED to indicate network status.
A LED indicates if the UTP port has been LINK ok or not. When the
light is OFF, it indicates that the UTP port has not been connected
or LINK not ok. When the light is ON, it indicates that the UTP port
LINK ok. When the light is BLINKING, it indicates that there is
traffic flow on the network which the adapter is connected to.
h t t p : / / w w w . A r g o n T e c h n o l o g y . c o m
9 1 3 0 T X A - M ( M a n a g e d ) / 9 1 3 0 T X A ( U n m a n a g e d ) U S E R ’ S G U I D E