CW-210 User Manual
6. Image quality:
Set image quality. (default for Main / Sub stream is best image, Best, better, good, bad,
worse, worst for optional).
7. Bit Rate(Kb/S):
Set the video bit rate (Main stream default 4096 Kb/s, 64-40960 Kb/s optional; Sub
stream default 800 Kb / s, 64-20480 Kb/s optional).
8. Frame Rate(F/S):
Set the video frame rate (Main / Sub stream default 30F/S, 5-30F/S optional ).
9. I Frame Interval:
Set the key frame interval. (Main / Sub stream default 75F, 1-150F optional).
10. I Frame Min QP :
Set the key frame min QP. (Default 10, 10-51 optional.)
11. Stream Name:
User can revise the name of stream. ( Main stream default h264, Sub stream default
Click on the "Save" button to display the "Save successful" message, then set is to take effect
1. Switch:
To turn on or off the Main / Sub stream.
2. Protocol Type:
Main / Sub stream are both use RTMP protocol.
3. Host Address:
Server IP addresses (default
4. Host Port:
Server port number (default 1935,0-65535 optional)
5. Stream Name:
choose a different stream name (live/av0, live/av1 optional).
6. User Name:
Set the user name.
7. Password:
Set the password.
Click on the "Save" button to display the "Save successful" message, then set is to take effect. Stream publish