Onzen Technical Support Line: 1-780-789-2646
or E-mail: [email protected]
*** Important Notice Onzen V8 ***
These cells are considered a consumable item and are now designed to be replaced by the customer in order to be more user friendly.
We can not express enough to NOT GET THE INTERNAL CONNECTION WET!
To change your salt cell remove the set screw on your salt cell with a Phillips screwdriver. Now unthread the salt cell from the housing
turning counter clockwise. This will require you to use your muscles as the cell is threaded in quite tight to prevent any water from getting
on to the 12 volt connection. Before threading in the new cell put a generous amount of dielectric grease in and around the 12 volt
connections in the centre of the housing and on the end of the cell. Now thread the new cell into the housing. There is a notch built into
the threads that will stop the cell precisely where the set screw needs to be installed. If the cell is changed under water the connection
will get wet and corrode. The corrosion will destroy the connection between the salt cell and the salt cell housing. This corrosion will be
visibly noticeable upon inspection. Warranty will be void If corrosion between the salt cell and salt cell housing is detected.
** This salt cell requires less salt in your water ** you will now need to keep your salt levels between 1200 and 1500 ppm.
Other chemistry requirements:
Calcium hardness maximum of 50 ppm (0 preferred)
Alkalinity 80 and 120 ppm
pH 7.0 and 7.6
You can then check your sanitizer level and adjust your CP level accordingly.
Boost will always be required to sustain sanitize levels from time to time.