Performance Tips
Operating a high performance snowmo-
bile requires a special attention that is not
required by a low performance snowmo-
bile. Often, a minor adjustment will
result in a large increase in performance.
This section is intended to highlight
minor conditions that adversely affect
performance and the adjustments needed
to correct them. Be sure, however, to
thoroughly read and understand this
entire manual especially the section on
spark plugs, track tension and alignment,
and suspension.
— This link between the
engine and drive train is often the most
neglected component. The drive belt must
have the proper fit in the drive clutch and
driven clutch. Proper fit is when the top
surface of the drive belt is flush with the
top or up to 1/16 in. higher than the driven
clutch sheaves (with the sheaves fully
closed). If drive belt deflection is above
specification, the snowmobile will bog and
lack power at engagement and will have a
slower maximum speed. For good perfor-
mance, proper belt deflection is critical. To
correct this condition, first determine if the
drive belt is within specifications and
replace if worn or too long. Always run
the drive belt in the same direction.
Installing the drive belt so the part num-
ber can be read will ensure that the drive
belt is always run the same direction.
— Drive
belt length, condition, and deflection are
all important for peak performance. To
check and adjust drive belt deflection,
remove the belt guard; then use the fol-
lowing procedure.
NOTE: It may be necessary to
remove a shim washer from between
the driven clutch sheaves to allow
the driven clutch to close tighter.
Adding shim washers will decrease
belt deflection and removing shim
washers will increase belt deflection.
Available shim washers from Arctic
Cat are p/n 0648-714 (0.090 in.) - one
included in the tool kit, p/n 0648-715
(0.030 in.), and p/n 0648-716 (0.060
NOTE: Removing/adding shim
washers may be done by the snow-
mobile owner if qualified to do so. If
the owner does not feel qualified,
take the snowmobile to an autho-
rized Arctic Cat Snowmobile dealer
for this service. This service is at the
discretion and expense of the snow-
mobile owner.
1. Turn the engine off; then open the
access panel.
2. Make sure the drive belt is sitting at
the top of the driven clutch sheaves.
3. Place a straightedge on top of the
drive belt. The straightedge should
reach from the driven clutch to the
top of the driven clutch.
4. Using a stiff ruler centered between
the drive clutch and driven clutch,
push down on the drive belt just
enough to remove all slack. Note the
amount of deflection on the ruler at
the bottom of the straightedge. The
deflection should be at 1 1/4 in.
NOTE: Push down on the belt with
the ruler only until the bottom of the
belt flexes upward; then read the
amount of deflection.
5. To correct drive belt deflection,
remove the sheave adjuster from the
clutch, remove or add shim washers
to the adjuster, and install the
NOTE: Adding shim washers will
decrease belt deflection; removing
shim washers will increase belt
6. Install the belt guard; then close the
access panel.