4. While holding the bolt with a wrench,
tighten the jam nut to 18 ft-lb.
5. Install the exhaust assembly with a
new gasket.
6. Install the right-side access cover.
NOTE: Check that the harness is
installed correctly.
Drive Belt
The drive belt transfers power from the
drive clutch to the driven clutch. If the
belt is worn, cracked, or stretched, maxi-
mum power will not be transmitted and
the belt could also fail and therefore must
be replaced. Periodic checks (at least
once a month under normal usage) of two
drive belt specifications are essential.
1. Measure the outside circumference
of the drive belt. The belt should be
within the recommended range in
circumference (see appropriate spec-
ifications sheet).
2. Measure the outside width of the
drive belt. The belt should be within
the recommended range in width.
3. Check the belt for cracking, fraying, etc.
If any of the specifications or conditions
are unsatisfactory, replace the drive belt.
NOTE: Drive belts should be pur-
chased from an authorized Arctic Cat
Snowmobile dealer, as Arctic Cat drive
belts are made to exact specifications
and of quality material. Belts made by
other manufacturers may not be of the
same specifications or quality and,
therefore, usage could result in poor
performance and premature belt failure.
NOTE: Before starting the snowmo-
bile in extremely cold temperatures,
the drive belt should be removed and
warmed up to room temperature.
Once the drive belt is at room temper-
ature, install the drive belt.
Also, new drive belts have a break-in
period of approximately 25 miles. After
installing a new drive belt, drive the
snowmobile for 25 miles at 3/4 throttle or
less. By revving the engine up and down
(but not exceeding 60 mph), the exposed
cord on the side of a new belt will be
worn down. This allows the drive belt to
gain its optimum flexibility and will
extend drive belt life.
Checking/Adjusting Drive
Belt Deflection
The drive belt must have the proper fit in
the drive clutch and driven clutch. To
check for proper drive belt fit, use the
following procedure.
1. Place a straightedge on the top of the
drive belt. The straightedge should
reach from the drive clutch to the top
of the driven clutch.
NOTE: Make sure the drive belt is
all the way out in the driven clutch
before checking drive belt deflection.
2. Using a stiff ruler centered between
the drive clutch and driven clutch,
push down on the drive belt just
enough to remove all slack and note
the amount of deflection. The deflec-
tion should be within the range of
28.5-31.8 mm (1 1/8-1 1/4 in.).
Never run the engine with the drive
belt removed. Excessive revving of the
engine could result in serious engine
damage and drive clutch failure.