5. Install the hood and access panels.
To see if the spark plugs being used are of
the proper heat range (after the snowmo-
bile has been operated under normal driv-
ing conditions), remove the spark plugs
and examine the condition of the center
electrode insulator of each spark plug.
A. TAN or LIGHT BROWN insula-
tor indicates correct spark plugs
(heat range).
B. LIGHT GRAY or WHITE insula-
tor indicates over-heating of the
engine. This condition is caused by
a too lean condition or incorrect
spark plugs (heat range too hot).
C. BLACK insulator indicates fuel
in the combustion chamber is not
burning completely. This condi-
tion is caused by a too rich con-
dition, too much oil, or incorrect
spark plugs (heat range too cold).
NOTE: If the center electrode insu-
lators are light gray, white, or black
and if the ignition timing is correct,
different heat-range spark plugs may
be necessary. Authorized Arctic Cat
Snowmobile dealers have detailed
spark plug information. Consult a
dealer before changing spark plugs,
as incorrect heat-range spark plugs
could cause poor engine performance
or engine damage.
Valve Clearance
After 5000 miles or prior to seasonal
storage (5000/9000) or 25000 miles
(7000), valve clearance should be
checked and adjusted as necessary.
NOTE: Take the snowmobile to an
authorized Arctic Cat Snowmobile
dealer for inspection and service.
This service is at the discretion and
expense of the snowmobile owner.
These sealed batteries after being in ser-
vice require regular cleaning and
recharging in order to deliver peak per-
formance and maximum service life. The
following procedures are recommended
for cleaning and maintaining sealed bat-
teries. Always read and follow instruc-
tions provided with battery chargers and
battery products.
NOTE: Battery maintenance may
be done by the snowmobile owner if
qualified to do so. If the owner does
not feel qualified, take the snowmo-
bile to an authorized Arctic Cat
Snowmobile dealer for this service.
This service is at the discretion and
expense of the snowmobile owner.
To remove and charge the battery, use the
following procedure:
If a spark plug is light gray, white, or
black and another is tan or light brown,
take the snowmobile to an authorized
Arctic Cat Snowmobile dealer for
inspection and service. If not under war-
ranty, this service is at the discretion
and expense of the snowmobile owner.
It is critical that the checking/adjust-
ing valve clearance be done at the
recommended intervals or severe
engine damage may occur.
Improper handling or connecting of a
battery may result in severe injury
including acid burns, electrical burns,
or blindness as a result of an explo-
sion. Always remove rings and
watches. Any time service is per-
formed on a battery, the following
must be observed: keep sparks, open
flame, cigarettes, or any other flame
away. Always wear safety glasses.
Protect skin and clothing when han-
dling a battery. When servicing a bat-
tery in an enclosed space, keep the
area well-ventilated.