Web Management
A Domain Name Server (DNS) is an index of IP addresses and web site
addresses. If you type a web site address into your browser, such as
www.abc.de, a DNS server will find that name in its index and find the
matching IP address: 111.222.333.444. Most ISP’s provide a DNS server
for speed and convenience. Since your ISP may connect to the Internet
with dynamic IP settings, it is likely that the DNS server IP’s are also
provided dynamically. However, if there is a DNS server that you would
rather use, you need to specify the IP address here.
Dynamic Domain Name Service (DDNS) provides users on the Internet
with a method to tie their domain name to a computer or server. DDNS
allows your domain name to follow your IP address automatically by
having your DNS records changed when your IP address changes.
This DNS feature is powered by DynDNS.org or TZO.com. With a DDNS
connection you can host your own web site, email server, FTP site, and
more at your own location even if you have a dynamic IP address.