To remove earcup, reach in next to chinstrap base and
grasp base of earcup on one side, pull toward you until a
snap is heard, then do the other side of the same earcup
When both sides are free, pull lower part of cup inward and
down to release lower tab <B>. Repeat for the other side.
In case you wash the earcups, put them into lukewarm water
with small amount of laundry soap and wash gently by hand.
Rinse well with fresh water and wipe off with a soft cloth. Dry
them in the shade at ambient temperature.
WARNING: Never use petrol, thinner, benzene or any other
solvents as these can adversely affect the shock absorbing
liner and plastic components.
To replace earcup (note that the L & R embossed on the cup
bases indicate the side of the head the cup is on when the
helmet is worn), slide the lower tab into its receptacle and
push home until a snap is heard <C>.
Then, ensuring that the strap is in the correct position, place
the two top tabs over their receptacles and push them home
until a snap is heard from each. Now work the strap fully into
position <D>.