Version: 20220329
With default settings, the FireCatcher Camera algorithm will trigger alarm when smoke covers
approximately 3 % of the field of view during 5 seconds at the same location in the field of view.
With default settings, the FireCatcher Camera algorithm will trigger alarm when the flame size
exceeds 0,04% of the field of view and the flame is detected for at least 20 seconds at the same
location in the field of view.
For a camera with 1920 x 1080 resolution, 3 % is a zone of 249 x 249 pixels and 0,04% is a zone of 28 x 28 pixels.
As a result: the smaller the field of view, the higher the sensitivity; and the further away from the camera, the lower
the sensitivity.
The minimum required coverage for smoke to be detected depends on the
alarm minimum coverage”
The minimum required size for a flame to be detected
depends on the “minimum flame size” setting
. Refer to the
FireCatcher Camera user manual for more information on configuring the detection sensitivity.
Below is a graphical representation of smoke and flame detection threshold for some common coverage settings on
a 1920 x 1080 image, assuming a 1:2 aspect ratio of smoke clouds.
Also consider the environmental requirements described above when positioning the camera. In large areas, you may
consider providing redundant coverage by adjacent cameras.