cleaning with the pad, apply a good quality car wax to maintain its bright appearance.
4. If the lift is installed on a wooden deck, check the deck for any signs of decay. Replace any
worn or damaged decking.
• two 3/4” (or adjustable) wrenches for top mounting bolt
• an adjustable wrench for removing valve
• 7/16” wrench for 4 bolts at bottom
• 3/16” Allen wrench for piston’s socket cap bolts
• a clean work surface
1. Turn off water and disconnect hose.
2. Remove nut and bolt from the seat bracket and remove seat assembly.
3. Rotate the cylinder over the water and extend the piston rod completely.
This will expel most of the water from inside cylinder.
4. Pull the piston rod back into cylinder by hand. Rotate the cylinder back over the deck
and let the piston rod rest on the deck. (You can keep the piston rod in the cylinder with
a bungee cord if you prefer.)
5. Remove the nut and bolt from the telescoping mounting arm members. Grasp the
cylinder with both hands and separate the cylinder from the mounting arm support.
6. Position the cylinder on a CLEAN table, bench, or floor. Study the drawings and parts
of the lift to understand the position of the parts. Notice that the seat bracket holes at the
bottom of the piston rod are parallel to the 1/2” top mounting bolt at the top of the cylin-
der. Use an adjustable wrench to unscrew the valve and remove it.