• Use a knife or pair of scissors to
trim the traced hole in the liner
approximately a 1/8" (3.175 mm)
inside the traced line (Figure 36).
• The Waterfall Spillway fitting
includes two pre-installed rubber
gaskets. Remove the outer rubber
gasket from the fitting. Then, guide
the hole in the liner over the fitting
so that the liner fits snug around
the base of the fitting (Figure 37).
• Replace the removed rubber gasket back onto the fitting.
The liner should now be positioned between the two
rubber gaskets (Figure 38).
Figure 36
Figure 37
• Place the retaining nut on the spillway fitting and hand-
tighten. The Waterfall Spillway fitting is reverse threaded;
please refer to the arrow located on the retaining nut for
proper direction.
• Tighten the retaining nut an
additional 1/4 to 1/3 turn past
hand-tight (Figure 39).
be careful to not
over-tighten the retaining nut,
which could lead to a crack in
the plastic fitting.
• Using the black silicone sealant,
coat the threads of the second
PVC male adapter fitting. Then,
thread the fitting into the outside of
spillway fitting (Figure 40). The sealant will help to provide
a watertight seal.
• Apply a coating of PVC pipe
cement to the inside of the fitting
(Figure 41A) and the outside of the
PVC pipe (Figure 41B).
Figure 39
Figure 40
Figure 38
Figure 41B
Figure 41A
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1/23/2018 3:34:14 PM