Timers Configuration
On the main screen touch the TIMERS icon box. The TIMERS screen will appear (Picture 24).
There are six timers available.
Picture 24. TIMERS Screen
Timers are used to run an output at a chosen time. Press one of the six TIMERS (Picture 25).
Picture 25. TIMER Screen
TIMER NAME: press this button and select a name for this timer.
OUTPUT: Select the output which you would like to run under this timer. Outputs linked to other
components such as pH or ORP will be labelled.
MODE: Select one of the following modes:
- Disable: Disables the timer
- Timer: The output will work when the timer is on regardless of flow or measurements
- Timer and Flow: The output works when timer and flow are ON simultaneously
- Timer and Probe: This is for components that use a probe ( pH, ORP, FAC, TDS). The
selected component will be controlled in "Continuous" mode while the timer is active. When
the timer is inactive, the component will control the output using it's displayed mode.
- Timer, Probe and Flow: This is for components that use a probe ( pH, ORP, FAC, TDS).
The selected component will be controlled in "Flow" mode while the timer is active. When
the timer is inactive, the component will control the output using it's displayed mode.