Main Screen
The Main Screen display (Picture 5)
Picture 5. MAIN Screen
- Top bar with Connection Status, Date, Time, Flow ON/OFF parameters
- Menu with icons on the left side of the screen. Icons are SYSTEM, LOCK SCREEN and NEXT
- Six main parameters with Component information. Component information displayed is as
follows: Name, Current Value and Set point. If the relay is ON, the POWER icon turns blue in the
left top corner of each component box. If the Component is in LOCK OUT, a RED PADLOCK
sign will be active on the left top corner. If the Component is in ALARM, the top part of the
component box will flash RED. Some Component boxes display icons for easy identification of
the Component.
The red light signal on the top right of the screen shows that at least one parameter is in alarm.
Setting System Preferences
To set system preferences press SYSTEM icon on the left-side Menu of main screen. The
SYSTEM screen will appear (Picture 6). This is the original ANDROID screen. It displays the
controller’s details and user preferences.
The user can choose communication options to be used, depending on your hardware
configuration: NONE, ETHERNET, WI-FI or MODEM by activating appropriate circles on the
Picture 6. SYSTEM Screen