carefully and immerse it in the calibration solution,
moving it gently to and fro so that any trapped air
bubbles can escape through the side openings. Wait
for some 15 to 20 seconds (until the display stabilizes)
and then turn the left-hand knob (Adjust mS/cm) to
set the appropriate figure.
To achieve optimum measurement accuracy from the
system, adjustments should be made until the
adjustment figure and the expected measurement
figure are in the same range. This may cause accuracy
over the total measurement range to reduce slightly
under certain circumstances.
To maintain the instrument specification, adjustments
in the factory are made using a 0.05 molecular KCl
solution at a temperature of 25
C (6.7 mS/cm).
5. Carrying out measurements
First of all, determine the temperature of the medium
to be measured and set the appropriate temperature
by turning the right-hand knob. Then rinse the electrode
thoroughly in fully demineralized water and dry it
carefully. Immerse the electrode in the medium to be
measured and move it gently to and fro. Wait for some
15 to 20 seconds (until the display stabilizes) and then
read the figure in the display. Always wash the electrode
in fully demineralized water when measurements have
been completed.
The display reads in mS/cm.
1 mS/cm = 1000
S/cm / 0.1 mS/cm = 100
Overrange is indicated by three decimal points in the
Display, e.g. .