10 www.aquavu.com
Viewing Images
on the Monitor
If images are difficult to
see on the monitor you can
adjust your viewing angle or
the angle of the protective
sunshield. Loosen knobs and
adjust the monitor angle.
Viewing Tips –
On the Water
With the Aqua-Vu system
assembled, connected and
charged, begin viewing
simply by turning the unit on.
You will see a live picture of
characteristics, sand versus muck, big rocks versus small rocks, and transitions
from one bottom type to another. That’s a big help in precisely locating your fishing
holes and placing your ice fishing house!
Sharpen your fishing techniques —
watch your bait and see how approaching fish react
to it. Learn what baits, lures, colors, and jigging actions attract fish and trigger strikes.
whatever the camera “sees”
Rotate the circular knobs to
adjust the angle of the monitor
at a given moment.
Begin serious underwater
viewing by lowering the camera toward the bottom. The bottom provides a point of
reference that help you perceive sizes of fish and objects below. Your viewing might be
vertical — studying
bottom and fish straight below, as from a pier or an anchored boat.
Or you might desire a broader view of an area’s bottom features and fish distribution.
When viewing larger areas, anglers slowly move along in a boat, eyes glued to the
monitor’s ever-changing picture of what the camera sees underwater.
In most waters, fish relate to bottom structure. So, while drifting or slow-trolling, you’ll
need to guide the camera over the ups and downs of bottom contours. You will quickly
learn how to “swim” the camera over bottom terrain. With cable in hand, simply raise or
lower the camera, paying out more or less cable, depending on depth and boat speed.
As you move along, you should see on your monitor screen a continuous picture of the
passing bottom and the fish-holding watery zone just above it.
When viewing over soft bottom, make sure the camera is actually above the bottom
and not plowing or “stirring up” the muck. If the camera is digging into bottom, you’ll
only see a dark screen. Remember, if you can’t see bottom, raise or lower the camera to
“look” for it. If your camera becomes snagged, maneuver the boat so the direction of pull
is the reverse of what it was when the camera became snagged. A little jiggling or light
tugging will usually enable you to back the camera out of a snag. Avoid pulling the camera
through heavy weed cover or thick brush.
With your Aqua-Vu, you will be fascinated and often surprised by the ever-changing
view of underwater scenery: rocks, weeds, other bottom features — and fish! (For more
advice and viewing tips see “
Frequently Asked Questions
Viewing Tips – On the Ice
Your Aqua-Vu is a valuable ice fishing tool — a giant leap beyond mysterious flashes
and unidentified “fish” on a depth finder. Aqua-Vu enables you to actually “see” the real
picture! Note these huge advantages:
View bottom structure and distinguishing features.
Observe weed lines and weed
Monitor cover
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