17. Turn the Lock Nut anti-clock wise to lock the hose
into position. Hand tight will do, No tools are required.
Fig 10
18. Repeat steps 14 to 17 for the outlet.
19. Place the Suction caps on the Spray Bar then
attach it to the back or side of the aquarium. Fig 11
20. You are now ready to start your filter.
Fig 10
Fig 11
Starting your filter
Your aquarium must be filled with water to prime
your filter.
Ensure your quick release tap connector is sitting
correctly. Open the taps by pressing the Locing Lever
down.Fig 1
Once the filter is running, double check the
fittings and seals for water tightness.
1. Ensure the Locking Lever is down in the on position.
Temporarily detach the outlet U Pipe from the Spray
2. Place your mouth over the end of the outlet U-Pipe
and create siphon effect by sucking on the tube.
3. Once the siphon begins, lower the outlet tube into a
4. Now wait until the siphon continues to fill the canister
and eventually overfill into the bucket via the outlet U
5. The filter is primed when the intake pipe and filter is
completely filled with water.
6. Now place your thumb over the open end of the U-Pipe
or lift the Locking latch so it is in the off position.
7. Reattach the U Pipe to the Spray Bar and affix the
outlet U Pipe to your aquarium.
8. Push the Locking Lever down to reopen the taps.
9. Now the Canister Filter is ready to be plugged in.
10. Turn the UV on. The switch is located behind the
frosted panel at the top of the filter on the side. The
green LED will illuminate when the UV Lamp is on.
NOTE: If you require any further information about
starting your filter please consult your Aqua One