Buttons in the upper window area can be used to switch between global profiles.
Alternatively, the profile icon in the title bar of the aquasuite window or a profile
icon in the system tray may be used.
Example use cases: Switching of LED illumination settings depending on current
time of day or modification of fan settings when a graphics application is laun-
Notice for profile activation depending on running applications: During configura-
tion of the respective rule in the aquasuite, the application to be configured must
already be running. The application selection within the aquasuite will always show
currently running applications and processes only.
19.3. Hotkeys
Hotkeys are key combinations that will be processed system-wide and can
activate global profiles or desktop pages. The configured key combinati-
ons will be registered in the operating system and be processed by the
background service. If the configured actions only use the profile management,
the aquasuite does not have to be running for hotkeys to be operational; if desk-
top pages are used, the aquasuite must be running.
Do not use key combinations for this function that are required by other applicati-
20. aquasuite web
aquasuite web
aquasuite web
aquasuite web
Click the entry “aquasuite web” to publish data on the internet or import data from
the internet. The server for this service is operated by Aqua Computer and provi-
ded for use with the aquasuite, without warranty for error free operation or perma-
nent availability. Aqua Computer reserves the right to limit or cancel this service at
any time.
20.1. Data export
Data export
Data export
Data export
To publish data, create a new export data set by clicking the plus symbol
in the upper right corner of the “Data export” window. The name of the
data set may be modified to meet your requirements. You may then add
the data sources to export by clicking the plus symbol in the “Data sources” win-
dow section. By clicking the gear symbol, the name of the corresponding value
can be changed. Up to 30 data sources can be added to each export data set, the
total number of export data sets is limited to 10. All selected values will be trans-
mitted to the Aqua Computer server by the Aqua Computer background service
approximately every 15 seconds, even after closing the aquasuite.
Notice regarding data security: All data contained in the configured export data
sets is transmitted to the Aqua Computer server with transport security. The server
stores the data set in volatile memory until a new data set is received or until 10
minutes have passed. Data received is not permanently stored, data is also not
© 2021
Aqua Computer GmbH & Co. KG
- 29 -
Gelliehäuser Str. 1, 37130 Gleichen