The heat pump is equipped with internal devices to monitor and protect the integrity
of the unit. If an abnormal condition occurs, the device will interrupt the operation of
the unit and may display the appropriate code on the control panel.
LOW WATER FLOW: Indicated by “HPS” or “HP3” on the control panel. The heat pump is
designed to run efficiently above twenty (20) GPM. If there is insufficient water flow the unit
will shut down to protect the compressor. The usual causes for these conditions are a dirty
pool water filter, a restriction in the return line (i.e. skimmer), or improper valve positioning.
NO WATER FLOW: Indicated by “FLO” on the control panel. When the filter pump is off,
or if the water flow to the heat pump is interrupted during the heating mode, the internal
water pressure switch will shut down the unit. When normal water flow resumes, the heat
pump will automatically restart itself as long as there is a call for heat.
Other analyzer codes include: “LPS”, “tSO”, “tSS” and “ESO” and “ESS”.
The Evaporator reading will be shown when the SELECT and UP buttons are pressed and
held for 5 seconds. After 5 seconds control reverts back to show water temperature reading.
The Solar reading will be shown when the SELECT and DOWN buttons are pressed and
held for 5 seconds. After 5 seconds control reverts back to show water temperature reading.