BLuAC5 S/Q Hardware manual
920-0049 Rev. C
Seven Segment Display Status codes
Memory Fault:
When reading or writing to “Flash” memory an error occurred. This is
an indicator of memory problems that are typically induced with too many write cycles
Serial Comm Error:
Indicates a Serial Communication error. This error is also indi-
cated by the Comm Tx and Rx LEDs flashing an alternating pattern.
Positioning Mode:
The drive is in Positioning Mode. This is the mode used when
performing “point to point” moves.
Velocity Mode:
The drive is in Velocity Mode. This is the mode used when “Jogging”
or Analog commanded Velocity.
Torque Mode:
The drive is in Torque Control Mode. This is the mode used for Analog
commanded Torque operation.
Step & Direction Mode:
The drive is in Step and Direction Control Mode. This is the
mode used for “Encoder Following” or Positioning using Step and Direction input.
Si Positioning:
You should not see this code on a -S or -Q drive.
Drive Disabled:
The drive output is disabled.
Q Program Running:
An outside segment will be rotating around the display. The
rotate rate is about 0.2 seconds per segment.
Drive Start-up test pattern:
This pattern is displayed for a short period of time at
drive start-up.
Memory Fault:
Q segment could not be executed because it was blank.
Serial Comm Timeout:
A complete command packet was not recevied in the normal
amount of time. This can happen if you try to type SCL or Q commands into
instead of using the
SCL Utility
. It will also occur if your host application
does not end each command with a carriage return (ASCII 13)