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HEADQUARTERS:  Anderson Power Products®, 13 Pratts Junction Road, Sterling, MA 01564-2305 USA  T:978-422-3600  F:978-422-3700

EUROPE:  Anderson Power Products® Ltd., Unit 3, Europa Court, Europa Boulevard, Westbrook, Warrington, Cheshire, WA5 7TN United Kingdom  T: +44 (0) 1925 428390  F: +44 (0) 1925 428399

ASIA / PACIFIC: IDEAL Anderson Asia Pacific Ltd., Unit 922-928 Topsail Plaza, 11 On Sum Street, Shatin N.T., Hong Kong  T:+(852) 2636 0836   F:+(852) 2635 9036

CHINA: IDEAL Anderson Technologies (Shenzhen) Ltd., Block A8 Tantou Western Industrial Park, Songgang Baoan District, Shenzhen, PR. China 518105  T: +(86) 755 2768 2118  F: +(86) 755 2768 2218

TAIWAN: IDEAL Anderson Asia Pacific Ltd., Taiwan Branch, 4F.-2, No.116, Dadun 20th St., Situn District, Taichung City 407, Taiwan (R.O.C.) T: +(886) 4 2310 6451  F:+(886) 4 2310 6460

Changing the locator

Loosen the hexagon socket with the enclosed allen key. Remove the locator by turning it counterclockwise.

Adjustment of crimp depth

Crimp depth to be adjusted as follows:
Adjusting screw turned 

clockwise for reducing of crimp depth 


counterclockwise for increasing of crimp depth

•  1 scale spacing on the screw  =  adjustment by 0.01 mm
•  1 full rotation of screw  =  adjustment by 0.2 mm (indication on the screw as well as on the rough scale)

•  5 rotations of the screw  =  adjustment by 1 mm (indication on the scale)

crimp depth  -

adjusting screw with 0.01 mm step

crimp depth +

scale indicating 0.2 mm divisions

Control of crimp depth

Crimp tool adjustment is done in the factory, but under production use,  periodic gauging is recommended to insure accurate calibration. This is
easily accomplished with a gauge Ø 2.0 mm as follows:

A crimp depth of 2.0 mm is set by means of the adjusting screw (scale mark at “2”, screw mark at “0” as shown in the fig. above) and the tool is
closed. Do not close the tool onto the gage pin.  After insertion of gauge, it must be just enough space for moving the gauge inside the entry hole.
If the indenter closure is too small or too large to exactly match the gauge, the deviation (+/-) can be checked by the precision setting of the screw.
In case the deviation exceeds the tolerances requested by the contact manufacturer, please contact the factory.

Maintenance and repair

Keep the tool clean and properly stored when not in use. The joints need to be oiled regularly and the circlips securing the bolts should always

be in place.

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1S6497        14457                                                                                                                                                                                                                  DS-PM1000G1  REV02

Operating Instructions

4 Indent Crimp Tool PM1000G1

Crimp Depth Chart

AWG (mm



Contact    Set




























