Mount the sensor to a solid surface with the nylon mounting screw provided. To accurately measure total shortwave
radiation incident on a horizontal surface, the sensor must be level. An Apogee Instruments model AL-100 leveling plate is
recommended for this purpose. To facilitate mounting on a cross arm, an Apogee Instruments model AM-110 mounting
bracket is recommended.
To minimize azimuth error, the sensor should be mounted with the cable pointing toward true north in the northern
hemisphere or true south in the southern hemisphere. Azimuth error is typically less than 1 %, but it is easy to minimize by
proper cable orientation.
In addition to orienting the cable to point toward the nearest pole, the sensor should also be mounted such that
obstructions (e.g., weather station tripod/tower or other instrumentation) do not shade the sensor.
Once mounted, the
green cap should be removed from the sensor.
The green cap can be used as a protective covering for the sensor when it
is not in use.
Nylon Screw: 10-32x3/8
Model AL-100