After any tree landing it is very important to check all the lines, line measurements, and the canopy for damage.
As you approach landing, open all the buckles of the harness except for one leg. Just before landing, release the remaining buckle. Let
the wing pitch
completely forward until it hits the water with the leading edge openings; the air inside will then be trapped, forming a big
air mattress and giving the pilot more time to escape. Less water will enter the canopy this way, making the recovery much easier.
away from the glider and lines as soon as possible
, to avoid entanglement. Remember that a ballast bag can be emptied and then
inflated with air for a flotation aid.
The wing should be carefully inspected after a water landing, since it is very easy to cause internal damage to the ribs if the canopy is
lifted while containing water. Always lift the canopy by the trailing edge, not by the lines or top or bottom surface fabric.
In case of use of the wing in combination with trike:
Due to the very wide assortment of trikes on the market with different set up and design, it is necessary to verify that the
specific trike can be successfully coupled with the wing.
Please make sure your dealer performs the following procedures before first flight:
: Before each start it is necessary to perform a complete check of the paraglider,
harness and power unit.
Never place the power unit downwind of the paraglider.
Double check that there is no fuel leakage.
Do you have enough fuel for the flight? It is always better to have too much than too little!
Check that there is nothing loose in the harness that could possibly contact the propeller in flight.
Whenever you encounter a problem, fix it
however small it is!
Always put on and lock your helmet before getting in the harness.
Before each launch do a full pre-flight inspection.
In powered flight most of the wing characteristics remain as described above