Pilots, please ensure that your glider has been test flown and fully checked by your dealer before taking it into your possession.
Verify that the dealer checked and confirms that the glider is airworthy.
In case of use of the wing in combination with trike:
Due to the very wide assortment of trikes on the market with different set up and design, it is necessary to verify that the
specific trike can be successfully coupled with the wing.
Please make sure your dealer performs the following procedures before first flight:
A. It was checked with APCO that the specific trike can be flown with your new wing.
In case the specific combination is not checked by APCO – your dealer must take the following necessary steps :
B. Wing to be fully inspected by the dealer as in the paragraph above
C. Wing to be ground handled and visually checked while inflated.
D. Connection method to the trike is in line with APCO's recommendation according
to the sketch below. Pilot can reach both main brake handles and tip
steering handles (if available).
E. Before first take-off perform "taxiing" test on the ground slowly rolling with the
wing checking all aspects of the set-up without actually taking off. (including
roll/yaw stability, pitch stability, stall tendency, brake response etc.)
F. Only once the wing passes the taxiing test – then the next step is to make the
actual test flight to make sure trike and wing are correctly coupled and the
system is airworthy.
G. Take the wing into your possession only after your dealer confirms that wing is
airworthy when coupled with your trike.
It is highly recommended that your glider (and other equipment), undergo a Periodical Airworthiness Inspection which is to be done by
Apco, or an Apco approved / appointed service centre.
This is recommended to be done every 24 months or every 100 hours, whichever comes first.
This recommendation is in line with Israeli regulations, binding in Israel. as an alternative, we suggest for you to follow the regulations set
by your national authorities.