Commands are initiated by a short ASCII string representing the command type.
Typically, physical address and data information will follow. The structures of Netkit
commands are described in the following sections. Text enclosed in brackets
(<text>) must be substituted by its ASCII definition. Multiple ASCII choices are
divided by separator ( | ) characters.
Note: Commands are case sensitive.
The network settings are queried with the get_NET command:
where; <connectoraddress> is 0:1 (network module address)
The command ASCII string sent to the Netkit is: get_NET,0:1(enter)
5. Command Set
This Netkit command is used to determine installed modules and capabilities.
Each module responds with its address and type. This process is completed after
receiving an endlistdevices response.
Sent to Netkit: Getdevices(enter) (query for modules and capabilities)
Sent from each Netkit module in response to getdevices:
device,<moduleaddress>,<moduletype> (one sent for each module)
where for Netkit products; <moduleaddress> is |0|1|
<moduletype> is |ETHERNET|3 IR|1 SERIAL|
All modules are included in the response followed by endlistdevices(enter)
The following are the possible Netkit IR responses to a getdevices command.
device,0,0 ETHERNET(enter)device,1,3 IR(enter)endlistdevices(enter) for IP to three
device,0,0 ETHERNET(enter)device,1,1 SERIAL(enter)endlistdevices(enter) for IP to
one serial
5.1. General Commands