Middle, graphical display
The middle section of the LCD is mapped into a graticule of ten boxes horizontally and five boxes high.
The horizontal scale is determined by the SPAN (see later under LCD resolution). The vertical scale is
calibrated in 10dBm increments ranging from:
Hi gain: Baseline is -90dBm with the top line representing -40dBm.
Low gain: Baseline is -60dBm with the top line representing -10dBm.
Directly above the graticule, the current “Marker” frequency is displayed in MHz with the signal level
displayed in dBm to the right of the frequency. The marker position is controlled using the spin wheel
Bottom menu soft keys
The bottom of the LCD is occupied by a number of soft keys arranged in seven menus. The mix of keys
varies depending upon operational mode selected. Please refer to section 3-2 of this manual for a menu
A summary of the 17 LCD areas is presented here:
(1) CF/RF
Centre Frequency / Receive Frequency
A frequency at the centre of the screen is always indicated in MHz, the finest resolution is 10 Hz. In
spectrum display and step resolution modes, the legend “CF” (Centre Frequency) is displayed to the left
of the frequency. In channel scope mode the legend “RF” (Receive Frequency) is displayed to the left of
the frequency.
Section 3-1