1. Hayes Compatible AT Command Set
+++ Escape to command mode
Upon on-line mode, it will remain the connection and switch the
modem to command mode. The character of "Escape
command" is defined by S-Register "S2".
ATA Answer command
The modem will go off-hook and attempt to answer incoming call.
A/ Repeat last command
ATBn Select CCITT or BELL Mode, where n = 0 or 1
n=0 CCITT Mode
n=1 BELL Mode (Default)
ATDstring Dial command, where "string" is the combination of the
following parameters and modifiers:
0 - 9 Dial Digit
* The "star" digit on tone dialing mode
# The "gate" digit on tone dialing mode
Dial modifiers:
P Pulse dial.
T Tone dial.
W Wait for dial tone.
, Pause.
! Flash.
; Command append.
S=n Dial a stored number.
ATEn Command Echo
The modem enables or disables the echo of character to the DTE
according to the parameter supplied. The parameter value, if valid, is
written to S14 bit 1.
ATE0 Do not echo commands
ATE1 Echo commands (Default)
ATHn Disconnect (Hang-Up)
This command initiates a hang up sequence.
ATH0 The modem will release the line if the modem is