User Manual
Serial communication timeout: When using a serial connection and communication hardware,
software and hardware to allow communication delay, when the software and hardware devices
are not creating a connection, the communication system within the allowed time delay will
prompt communications failure, or the device is not connected. Timeout range that can be set:
1-5 seconds, Default: 3 seconds
Network Communication delay time:
Setting software/hardware delay time when communicate with devices by network. Once
connection failed in setting delay time, system will notice the failure or not of connection. Setting
range: 1-10 sec, default, 10 sec.
RS485 Communication delay time:
Setting software/hardware delay time when communicate with devices by RS485. Once
connection failed in setting delay time, system will notice the failure or not of connection. Setting
range: 200-500 Millisecond, default, 300 Millisecond.
IP Port:
The port IP for software/hardware data transmission when communicate with network and hard
(Remark: The port IP must be uniformed on software and hardware network communication
port. Or the communication will be failed. To setting the port IP, please refer to the instruction for
the hardware setting.)
‗Apply‘. The setting will be kept and applied.
Timing Downloading Record:
Anviz biometric management software supports five times Point Timing download attendance
records, and can be exported to a text file. Facilitate customer attendance record will be
imported into ERP and other third-party software.