Antti-Teollisuus Oy
408012 06-2018
Antti-Teollisuus Oy grants a guarantee on the products the company has manufactured, subject
to the following terms:
1. The period of guarantee is one year, which starts on the date of delivery from the factory; however,
it must include at least one harvest season.
2. The guarantee covers any defects in material and workmanship observed during the guarantee
3. The guarantee period of the heat exchanger for the dryer heater is fi ve years from the date of
leaving the factory.
4. The instructions given by the manufacturer and the valid regulations have been followed during
assembly, operation and servicing.
5. The electrical installation has been carried out by a properly authorised service company.
6. The manufacturer is not responsible for any possible guarantee or commitment that the distributor
may have granted.
Compensation under the guarantee
The guarantee covers repair or replacement of faulty parts, as deemed appropriate by the
manufacturer. The guarantee covers neither the consequential losses caused by breakdown of the
appliance nor the labour, travel or daily allowances which are incurred as a result of replacing any
The guarantee does not cover the assembly and adjustment of the machinery.
Compensation under the guarantee will not be made in the following cases:
1. If the cause of the fault is normal wear, abnormal operating conditions, incorrect installation,
inadequate servicing, carelessness or unintended use.
2. The defect has resulted from incorrect voltage or any other disturbance in the electrical supply
3. The defect has resulted from a thunderstorm, fi re, fl ooding or any other external factor.
4. The defect has resulted from water or any other contamination in the fuel or from the use of fuel not
suitable for the burner.
5 If the user has modifi ed the appliance or attached additional equipment to it without the consent
of the manufacturer, or if the pre-set fi xed values of the limiting devices have been changed.
Claiming for compensation
1. The manufacturer and distributor must be notifi ed of the defect in writing without delay.
2. The make, type and serial number as well as the date of delivery/putting into operation of the
machine must be stated.
3. Upon request, the faulty part or appliance must be delivered to the guarantor without delay. If the
part is not returned, the guarantor is entitled to invoice for the replacement part.