XM-100 Commercial Satellite Audio Receiver
Daylight Savings Observation
When Setup – DLT Savings is displayed, pressing the Mode
button brings up the following menu:
Savings? Y
Use the up/down keys to set whether the unit resides in an
area that observes daylight savings. Press the Mode key to
ascend back up one menu level.
This setting is also required for forced tune events so that
correct local time can be derived from the broadcast GMT time.
Channel Blocking
When Setup – CH Blocking is displayed, pressing the Mode
button brings up the following menu:
Block ###? N
PWR Toggles
Using the Channel Blocking feature, you can block specific
channels so that they cannot be accessed. Parents or store
managers may find this feature useful for preventing access to
specific content. To block one or more channels:
Use the up/down buttons to scroll to the channel you want
to block.
Use the POWER button to toggle the status between
blocked “Y” or unblocked “N”.
Block (or unblock) as many channels as you choose. When
finished, press the MODE button to return to the SETUP
Channel Skipping
When Setup – CH Skipping is displayed, pressing the Mode
button brings up the following menu: