XM-100 Commercial Satellite Audio Receiver
Activating the XM-100
After the channel 1 audio verification test, you must activate
your XM-100 to access all XM channels. Commercial accounts
must sign up for and activate under the terms of XM’s
Commercial Service.
To activate the radio you must first obtain the XM Radio ID
number of your unit. Tune the receiver to channel 0 by using
the down button on the unit’s front or press 0 on the remote
control. The 8 digit XM Radio ID will be displayed.
Record the 8 character ID in the space below, noting that
letters I, O, S and F are not used and that the number zero
has a line running diagonally through it.
XM Radio ID: _________________________
Activate your XM radio service by calling XM at 1-800-XM-
RADIO (1-800-967-2346). Commercial accounts cannot be
activated via the Internet. A friendly listener care
representative will assist you in activating your unit.
Customers should have their Radio ID ready; the Radio ID can
be found by selecting channel 0 on the radio.
Operating the XM-100
XM-100 provides intuitive control of its various functions via its
front panel buttons as shown on the next page, the remote
control, and the RS232 port (for local and remote operation).
Note that in the event of power loss, the radio will automatically
return to its state before power loss.
Basic operation allows the user to:
Change channels and music categories
Enter a channel number on the remote to tune to a channel
Set and tune to preset channels via the remote control—10
presets total
You can also use the SETUP menu to set forced tuned events,
block specific channels, as well as add and skip channels.
Instructions for all these features are provided in later sections.