3.6. Stand-alone and Master/Slave operation
The fixtures on a data link are not connected to the controller but can execute pre-set programs which can be
different for every fixture. To set the program to be played, see the
menu (DMXA ---> Mast/Sla).
The Stand-alone operation can be applied to the single fixture or to multiple fixtures operating synchronously.
Synchronous operation of multiple fixtures requires that they must be connected on a data link and one of them
is set as a master (master mode) and the rest as the slaves (slave mode). To set the fixture as the master or
the slave, see the
The master fixture starts simultaneous program start in the other slave fixtures. All fixtures have a definite, syn
chronized starting point when playing back their programs. Every slave runs its program according to the program
number of the master. E.g. if the master runs program number 3, all slaves run their programs number 3.
Note: if the option "Play Master" is selected at the fixture, this slave will play master´s program , e.g. number
3, instead of its own program no.3.
Every fixture runs its program repeatedly, starting the program step No.1 when requested by the master.
If the slave fixture has a shorter program length, it will continuously repeat its program until the master fixture
finishes its own program and restarts its program running (slave 1- prog. step 3 will not be finished) -see the
picture below.
If the slave fixture has a longer program length, it will restart at prog. step 1 before it completes all its
steps (slave 2 - prog. step 5 will not be played) - see the picture below.
Disconnect the fixtures from the DMX controller before master/slave operating, otherwise data collisions
can occur and fixtures will not work properly!