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Page 73
8.4 Connecting the Volume Pot
Referencing the picture/graphic below, take the twisted wires provided and make the
following connections between the Volume Pot PCB and the main PCB.
Connect the Yellow wire from a twisted Yellow–Brown twisted pair from R OUT on the
Volume Pot PCB to IN/P-A on the main PCB.
Connect the Brown wire (from the same twisted pair) from one of the GND pads on the
Volume Pot PCB to one of the GND pads on the main PCB.
Connect the Yellow wire from another twisted Yellow–Brown twisted pair from L OUT on
the Volume Pot PCB to IN/P-B on the main PCB.
Connect the Brown wire (from the same twisted pair) from one of the GND pads on the
Volume Pot PCB to one of the GND pads on the main PCB.
With all your connections made you can now use the hardware provided to secure down the
transformers into position.