– Vector Signal Generator – v1.00 March 2021
AnaPico Inc. - – [email protected]
General Remarks
Today, digital modulation schemes are widely used in communication systems, and the increasing need for
data bandwidth has pushed the signal purity and modulation bandwidth requirements for modern vector
signal sources. Other applications with similar performance requirements include radio surveillance,
interference analysis, radar signal analysis and electronic warfare.
Addressing these demanding requirements, AnaPico’s APVSG series of vector signal generators (VSGs) provide
frequency coverage to 40 GHz and are available as single output desktop units or rack-mount instruments with
multiple phase-coherent outputs. The APVSG series offers a cost-effective and flexible tool for generating high-
quality, complex, wideband, digitally modulated signals.
Among others, the following use cases are supported:
• Upload multiple formats of IQ Data into APVSG Memory. The APVSG internal AWG can play selected sections
of the RAM upon a user trigger.
• Use APVSG to synthesize and play predefined digital modulation formats
• Use FCP interface to live stream and play digital IQ data
• Use the analog IQ inputs with up to 250 MHz IQ bandwidth
• Use FCP to instantaneously switch between pre-loaded IQ data segments
• Use FCP to control the APVSG for ultra-fast frequency hopping.
All APVSGs operate with an ultra-stable temperature compensated frequency reference (OCXO) that can be
phase-locked to an external reference.
The compact unit allows for full front panel control via touch panel display, and PC GUI Software supported
operation via ETHERNET, USB, FCP (fast control port) and GPIB communication ports.
Validity of this Manual
This manual is valid for the following devices and theirs extended versions: