Evaluation Board User Guide
Rev. 0 | Page 12 of 17
Figure 21: Turn-on Bias Stability
Another key performance characteristics of gyroscopes is their
turn-on to turn-on bias stability. Understanding this can aid in
the development of application specific algorithms, as it
provides the user with important information on the range of
expected offset values between each power cycle.
The Turn-on Bias Stability panel allows the user to adjust the
supply voltage for this test, in order to match the intended
application voltage. To record the data from this panel, ensure
that the Record Bias Run Data box is checked before clicking
the View Turn-on Bias Stability button. The user will be
prompted to enter a file name for the data upon completion of
the specified number of Turn-on Cycles, or upon pressing the
Stop Data Record button. While the experiment is running, the
Min, Max and Standard Deviation will be updated upon the
completion of each power cycle.
Similar to the Root Allan Variance procedure, it is
recommended that this experiment be run for several hours and
in a temperature stable and disturbance free environment. Any
rotational motion imparted upon the gyro will corrupt the
results of this experimentation.