ADV7619 Required Settings Manual
ADV7619 Reference Manual
Rev. 1.8 | Page 11 of 14
The ADV7619 has two power down modes, power down mode 0 and power down mode 1. In power down mode 0 and power down mode 1,
chassis supply is available. In power down Mode 1, CEC is powered up. In power down Mode 0, CEC is powered down.
To correctly power down the ADV7619, the steps below should be followed:
Set POWER_DOWN bit to 1 to power down the chip (98 0C 62)
In case of power down mode 0: power down CEC (80 2A 3E)
In case of power down mode 1: power up CEC (80 2A 3F)
When returning from low power mode, to correctly power up the ADV7619, the steps below should be followed:
Set POWER_DOWN to 0 to power up the chip (98 0C 42)
If CEC should be powered up, set CEC_POWER_UP to 1 (80 2A 3F)
If CEC should be powered down, set CEC_POWER_UP to 0 (80 2A 3E)
In power down modes,
additional power-savings can be achieved by using the following writes:
Disable ring oscillator (68 48 01)
Power down DDC pads (68 73 03)
The ADV7619 does not generate an interrupt when a source stops sending the following infoframes:
Audio infoframe
Source Prod infoframe
MPEG Source infoframe
Vendor Specific infoframe
ACP infoframe
ISRC1 infoframe
ISRC2 infoframe
Gamut infoframe
To detect when a source has stopped sending an infoframe, the steps below should be followed:
Clear infoframe interrupt RAW bit
If RAW bit does not get set during max allowed packet repeat time, the source has stopped sending the infoframe
For example, 3D content is indicated using the Vendor Specific (VS) infoframe. It has been observed that some 3D sources stop sending the VS
infoframe should their output be switched from 3D to 2D. For this reason, the application must detect when the VS infoframe stops being
Figure 4 and Figure 5 below provide an Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) example that could be used to detect if the VS infoframe is no longer