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Quick Start Guide
Demo Kit Manual
• v1-00 • 2019-Feb-26
│ 6
Figure 2:
Measurement Page
Click the “Verify Interface” button to confirm communication between PICOPROG V3.0 and
TDC-GP30 is working. Both fields,
“Pico Prog FW version” and “Comm. With GP30 OK?”,
should become green.
Next, open our configuration GP30Y_config_default_A1.A2.11.03 and download it into the chip,
pressing “Write Config”.
Connect your spool piece to pins US_UP and US_DOWN.
Press “Start Measurement” to begin measuring.
At this point, after successful completion of the above steps, a basic operation of the EVA kit should
be possible. The following sections provide a detailed description of the hardware and software for
advanced operation.