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Demo Kit Manual
• v1-00 • 2019-Feb-26
│ 22
Remote Commands
This window summarizes some additional commands, which can be executed via remote interface.
Figure 22:
Remote Commands
The TDC-GP30 assembler is integrated into the GP30 evaluation software. It is opened in the
Firmware menu of the main program:
System Reset: Executes a complete system
reset of GP30. Same
function as “System
Reset” button in “Measurement” tab of main
System Init: Same function as “System
Reset” without clearing the configuration
(CR_...) and the system handling (SHR_...)
CPU Init: Clears the CPU block in GP30
SV Init: Clears the supervisor block in GP30
FEP Init: Clears the frontend processing
block in GP30
Request/Release Bus Master: Allows the
request of the bus master in GP30, e.g. if
the random access bus is blocked by a
deadlock, caused by an improper firmware
Measure Cycle Timer Off/On: Stop & start of
the measure cycle timer
Clear Interrupt Flags: Clears all bits in
SRR_IRQ_FLAG register
Communication Request: Allows an
asynchronous demand by remote controller
to get an interrupt by GP30, signalizing the
time for remote communication.
General Purpose Request: Allows an
asynchronous request by remote controller
to initiate a general purpose handling in in
firmware of integrated GP30 CPU.