AMS-S-082/DS/09.2016 (ISSUE 2)
7. Maintenance
8. Technical Specifications
The ATEX Group I Horizontal float Switches are designed to give long periods
of satisfactory trouble-free life, and under normal conditions, they require little
Where switches are used in liquids having a tendency to form deposits or
in the case of some oils, there is a tendency for a ‘varnishing’ effect to be
produced on the immersed section of the stem tube and float. If this occurs,
it is advisable to remove the unit and remove any deposits likely to hinder the
float operation.
AMS recommend that the ATEX Group I Horizontal float switch FS1790 is
periodically functional tested every 6 months to confirm operation, if the
process medium contains heavy soiling or coarse suspended matter it is
recommended to reduce this testing interval, to confirm that the float still has
free movement and is not obstructed from operating.
If the switch fails to operate, the unit should be returned to AM Sensors along
with a completed declaration returns form (this form is available upon request).
RS13 Reed Switch
Switching Action
SPDT (Change over option)
Switching Voltage
400 V AC/DC
Switching Current
1.0 A Max
Max. Power: 60 Watt
60 Watt