F-750-025-A / rev 12.20 – ZCM- ZCHM Series Metric Manual
4. As soon as the pump reaches operating speed, open the discharge gate slowly until
complete system flow is achieved. There may be valve chatter during transient period
during valve adjustment. Be aware that the pump’s motor is specified for the flow and
pressure specified by the customer and that higher flow rates could damage the motor.
5. Check for leaks in the discharge piping.
6. (For pumps with pressure gauges) Open gauge cocks and record pressure reading.
Check that the pump is performing as specified by the performance curve.
Shut Down Instructions
(Note: If the pump will be shut down for an extended period refer to the Extended Duration
1. Slowly close the discharge piping gate valve. (Closing valve too quickly can cause
hydraulic shock)
2. Turn off power supply to the pump.
Short Duration Shutdown
For short shutdown periods the pump can remain filled but make sure the pump is
fully primed prior to restarting. If the pump is subject to freezing conditions then the pump
exterior should be insulated or heated and the fluid within the pump casing must be kept
moving in order to prevent freezing.
Extended Duration Shutdown
For extended duration shutdowns close the suction piping gate valve or if no suction
valve is installed then drain the suction line to stop liquid flow to the suction nozzle. Remove
pump drain and vent tap plugs as required and completely drain the pump casing. If the pump
will be subjected to freezing conditions during shutdown then all liquid must be completely
blown out of all passages and pockets using compressed air or the pump must be filled with an
antifreeze solution to prevent damage.
Assembly – ZCM/ZCHM
*Refer to the parts list appended to this
manual for the part name and quantity
corresponding to each number in Figure 9.
Begin with the bare motor. Ensure that the
shaft and C-face areas are clean.
Attach the stub shaft [6] and locking collar
[7] to the motor and the motor adapter [5] as
shown in Figure 1.