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Fixed RFID Reader RF1B1AMUS User Manual V
1 Introduction
This manual describes how to install and use the Fixed RFID Reader RF1B1AMUS
There are two types of readers: infrared triggered and non-infrared
triggered. Non-infrared triggered readers keep on operating to read the UHF Card
every 0.1 second. The Reader in this manual is an infrared triggered one which
starts to read just after detecting the approach of the UHF Card. Both readers are
ideal for Access Control System.
1.1 Access
Figure 1-1 shows the Access Control System. When a user comes close to the
Reader with an UHF Card, the IR will begin to send signals to the Interface right
after detecting the Card. After the Interface receives signals, it will deliver an
instruction to the RM to read the information of the UHF Card. After the RM
discriminates validity of the UHF Card, the Reader will reflect the status by
changing LED lights and the buzzer. The information is sent to the Control Box to
verify the user’s identity for controlling the Door’s openness. Captions of this
system are listed below:
IR (Infrared Sensor)
It detects whether anything blocked in front of infrared.
When the object in the range of infrared detecting, IR will send signals to the
When the Interface receives the signal from IR, it will deliver
instructions to operate the RM.
RM (Reader Module)
It is in charge of sending and reading radio frequency.
When the RM receives the instruction, it will send or read signals through
antenna to get or write the information from or into the UHF Card.
Induction Area, sending signals from the RM and receiving signals
from the UHF Card.
UHF Card(optional)
UHF Card here means user identification card. A card
which is compatible to the specifications of EPC Class 1 Generation 2 is a
valid UHF Card.
Control Box(optional)
It checks user’s information, control the openness of
the Door and provide the power to the Reader.
Figure 1-1: Access Control System