This Ammann ma chine has been de signed and con structed in
con for mance with cur rent stan dards and di rec tives. This ma -
chine can con sti tute a dan ger to per sons and prop erty how ever
It is not used for the in tended pur pose
It is not op er ated by trained per son nel
It is in cor rectly mod i fied or con verted
The safety re quire ments are not ob served
For this rea son, all per sons con cerned with op er a tion, main te -
nance and re pair of the ma chine must read and fol low the safety
re quire ments. This may have to be con firmed with re spect to
the user com pany by sig na ture.
The fol low ing also ap ply:
The per ti nent reg u la tions for the pre ven tion of ac ci dents
Gen er ally re cog nised safety rules and road traf fic reg u la tions
Coun try-spe cific re quire ments
In tended use
This ma chine is only in tended for:
The com pac tion of all types of sur faces
Re pairs to all types of sur faces
Sta bili sa tion of pave ments and roads
Work ing in trenches
Underfilling and com pac tion of verges
Im proper use
The ma chine can con sti tute a haz ard if used im prop erly by un trained
per sons or not for the in tended pur pose.
For ex am ple:
Work ing in hor i zon tal di rec tion
Pile driv ing
Com pac tion of verges
Who is al lowed to op er ate the ma chine?
Only trained, in structed and authorised per sons over the age of 18
may op er ate the ma chine. The re spon si bil i ties must be clearly de -
fined and ob served prior to op er a tion of the ma chine.
In vari ance from this, mi nors can be em ployed, as long as it is nec es -
sary to their train ing ob jec tive and their pro tec tion is as sured by a su -
per vi sor.
Per sons who are un der the in flu ence of al co hol, med i cines or drugs
must not op er ate, main tain or re pair the ma chine.
Main te nance and re pairs, in par tic u lar of hy drau lic sys tems and elec -
tronic com po nents re quire spe cial knowl edge and must be car ried
out only by trained spe cial ists (me chan ics spe cial is ing in con struc -
tion and ag ri cul tural ma chin ery).
Con ver sions and changes to the ma chine
Un author ised changes to the ma chine are not per mit ted for safety
rea sons.
Orig i nal parts and ac ces so ries have been spe cially de signed for the
ma chine. It should be noted that parts and spe cial equip ment not
plied by Ammann Verdichtung GmbH are not ap
proved by
Ammann Verdichtung GmbH. The in stal la tion and/or the use of such
prod ucts can also af fect the ac tive and/or pas sive safety.
The man u fac turer dis claims all li a bil ity for any dam age caused by
us ing non-orig i nal parts or spe cial equip ment.
Safety in for ma tion con tained in the op er at ing and
main te nance in struc tions
The fol low ing terms and sym bols are used in this op er at ing man ual
that draw at ten tion to im por tant in for ma tion:
Loa ding the ma chi ne
Al ways shut off the mo tor when load ing and trans port ing.
Se cure the ma chine to pre vent it tilt ing or slip ping.
A risk to life ex ists if per sons walk or stand un der sus pended loads.
It should be noted that the ma chine may swing when sus pended.
Se cure the ma chine on trans port ve hi cles to pre vent it roll ing, slip -
ping or tilt ing.
Start ing the ma chine
Be fore start ing the ma chine
Fa mil iar ise your self with the op er at ing and con trol el e ments and
mode of op er a tion of the ma chine and the work ing area.
Use per sonal pro tec tive equip ment (pro tec tive hel met, safety shoes,
Use hear ing pro tec tion.
Be fore start ing the ma chine, check whether:
The ma chine has any no tice able de fects
All pro tec tive de vices are se curely in place
The con trol el e ments func tion
The ma chine is free from oily and ig nit able ma te rial
All han dles are free from grease, oils, fu els, dirt, snow and ice.
Only use ma chines that have been reg u larly main tained.
Star ting in en clo sed spa ces, tun nels, mi nes or deep dit ches
En gi ne ex haust gas are highly dan ge rous!
For this rea son, when ope ra ting the ma chi ne in en clo sed spa ces,
tun nels, mi nes or deep dit ches, it is im por tant to en su re that the re is
suf fi cient air to bre ath (see UVV «
Con struc ti on work
», BGV C22, pa -
ra graphs 40 and 41).
Op er a tion
Guide the ma chine so that hands do not come against fixed ob jects;
risk of in jury.
Guide the ma chine so that the op er a tor can not be crushed be tween
the ma chine and hard ob jects.
Lis ten for any ab nor mal noise and smoke. Lo cate the cause and
have the dam aged re paired.
Do not hold the throt tle be low «
», as this can dam age the cen -
trif u gal clutch.
Never re lease the ma chine with the en gine run ning.
Keep feet away from the tamp ing base plate
Park ing the ma chine
If pos si ble, park the ma chine on a level, firm sur face.
Be fore leav ing the ma chine:
Se cure the ma chine to pre vent it tilt ing.
u t
1. Safety reg u la tions
Summary of Contents for ATR 60 P
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