![Ammann APF 12/33 Operating Instructions Manual Download Page 40](http://html1.mh-extra.com/html/ammann/apf-12-33/apf-12-33_operating-instructions-manual_2933631040.webp)
This Ammann ma chine has been built ac cord ing to the state
of the art in com pli ance with the per ti nent rules. Nev er the -
less, these ma chines can still con sti tute a haz ard to per sons
and prop erty if:
not used for the in tended pur pose,
not op er ated by suit ably qual i fied and in structed per son nel,
mod i fied or con verted in an im proper man ner,
the per ti nent safety reg u la tions are not ob served
For this rea son, any per son en trusted with the op er a tion,
main te nance or re pair of the ma chine is obliged to read and
fol low the op er at ing in struc tions and particulary to ob serve
the safety reg u la tions. If nec es sary, it must be con firmed by
the sig na ture of the com pany us ing the ma chine.
Fur ther more, the fol low ing must be made known and ob -
per ti nent reg u la tions for the pre ven tion of ac ci dents,
gen er ally re cog nised safety rules,
coun try-spe cific reg u la tions
Nor mal use
The ma chine is suit able for all com pac tion jobs in civil works and
road con struc tion. All ground ma te ri als such as sand, gravel,
sludge, crushed stone, as phalt and com pos ite sett pav ing can be
com pacted.
Imp ro per use
The ma chine can con sti tute haz ards if not used by in structed
personnell or for other than the in tended pur pose.
Weigh ing down and rid ing on the ma chine is for bid den.
The ma chine must not be used on slopes with a gra di ent of more
than 20° (Hatz 25°).
Do not use the ma chine on hard con crete, set as phal tic sur faces,
highly frozen or un sta ble sur faces.
Who is al lo wed to ope ra te the ma chi ne?
Only suit able qual i fied, in structed and authorised per sons over
18 years of age may op er ate the ma chine.
n vari ance from this, mi nors can be em ployed, as long as it is
nec es sary to their train ing ob jec tive and their pro tec tion is as -
sured by a su per vi sor.
Per sons un der the in flu ence of al co hol, med i ca tion or drugs must
not op er ate, main tain or re pair the ma chine.
Main te nance and re pairs, in par tic u lar of hy drau lic sys tems and
elec tronic com po nents re quire spe cial knowl edge and must be
car ried out only by skilled per sons (me chan ics spe cial is ing in
con struc tion and ag ri cul tural ma chin ery).
Con ver sions and mo di fi ca tions to the ma chi ne
Un author ised mod i fi ca tions and con ver sion of the ma chine are
not per mit ted for safety rea sons.
Spare parts and spe cial equip ment not de liv ered by us are also
not ap proved by us. The in stal la tion and/or the use of such parts
can also have a det ri men tal ef fect on the op er at ing safety.
The man u fac turer dis claims all li a bil ity for any dam age re sult ing
from the use of non-orig i nal parts or spe cial equip ment.
Safety in for ma tion in the op er at ing and main te nance in -
struc tions
The fol low ing signs and des ig na tions are used in the man ual to
des ig nate in struc tions of par tic u lar im por tance:
Trans por ting the ma chi ne
Al ways shut off the mo tor when load ing and trans port ing.
Only load and trans port the ma chine as spec i fied in the op er at ing
in struc tions.
Only use suit able means of trans port and hoist ing with suf fi cient
load ing ca pac ity!
At tach suit able sling ing means to the points of at tach ment pro -
Se cure the ma chine to pre vent it from tilt ing or slip ping.
It is highly dan ger ous to walk or stand un der sus pended loads.
Se cure the ma chine on trans port ve hi cles to pre vent it from roll -
ing, slip ping and tilt ing.
Star ting the ma chi ne
Pri or to star ting
Fa mil iar ise your self with the op er at ing and con trol el e ments and
the mode of op er a tion of the ma chine and the work ing en vi -
ronment. This in cludes, e.g. ob sta cles in the work ing area, load -
ing ca pac ity of the ground and the nec es sary safety pro vi sions.
Use per
sonal pro
tive equip
ment (safety foot
wear, hear
pro tec tors, etc.).
Check to en sure that all safety de vices are firmly in place.
Do not start the ma chine if in stru ments or con trol de vices are
Star ting
For ma chines with handstart, only use the safety cranks tested
by the man u fac turer, and pre cisely fol low the op er at ing in struc -
tions of the mo tor man u fac turer.
To crank-start die sel mo tors; Im por tant is the cor rect po si tion to
the mo tor and the cor rect hand po si tion on the crank.
The handcrank must be turned with max i mum force un til the mo -
tor starts, oth er wise the crank can re bound.
Pre cisely fol low the start ing and stop ping pro ce dures spec i fied in
the op er at ing in struc tions and ob serve in di ca tor lights.
Only start and op er ate ma chines with an elec tri cal starter from
the in stru ment panel.
Start ing and op er a tion of the ma chine in po ten tially ex plo sives
at mo spheres is for bid den!
Star ting with bat te ry juncti on ca bles
Con nect «
pos i tive
» to «
pos i tive
» and «
neg a tive
» to «
neg a tive
(earthing lead). Al ways con nect the earthing lead last and dis -
con nect first! In cor rect con nec tion will cause se ri ous dam age to
the elec tri cal sys tem.
u t
1. Sa fe ty re gu la tions
Summary of Contents for APF 12/33
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