Multi-Service Gateway with WLAN Controller
Control Rule List. Besides, unnecessary rules can be removed by checking the
“Select” box for those rules and then clicking on the “Delete” command button at the
MAC Control Rule List caption. MAC Control Rule Configuration
It supports the adding of one new rule or the editing of one existed rule. There are
some parameters need to be specified in one MAC Control rule. They are Rule Name,
MAC Address, Time Schedule and finally, the rule enable.
1. Rule Name:
The name of Web Content Filter rule.
2. MAC Address
: Input the MAC address of local device. You can input manually or
copy it from
Known MAC from LAN PC List
. Please note the format of MAC
address is like “xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx”. “x” is a hexadecimal digit.
The rule can be turn on according to the schedule rule you specified,
and give user more flexibility on access control. By default, it is always turned on
when the rule is enabled. For more details, please refer to the
: Check the box if you want to enable the rule. Each rule can be enabled or
disabled individually.
Afterwards, click on “Save” to store your settings or click “Undo” to give up the
changes. Application Filters
Application Filters
can categorize Internet Protocol packets based on their
application layer data and allow or deny their passing of gateway.
This device supports the application filters for various Internet chat software, P2P
download, Proxy, and A/V streaming. You can select the applications to be blocked
after the function is enabled, and specify the schedule rule for such Application Filters
SDE852 User Manual