HD SkyLink
Manual AMIMON HD SkyLink
video signal should now be available on all receivers.
Binding multiple transmitters to one receiver
1. Multiple transmitters can be bound to one receiver, the desired transmitter/signal source can then
be chosen with the remote control.
2. Carry out steps 1-10 like in the previous section about the binding of one transmitter to one
receiver. Make sure that only the receiver to be bound is powered up.
Removing bound transmitters
1. Power up the HD SkyLink Falcon receiver.
2. Take the remote control of your HD SkyLink Falcon receiver and press the „Delete“ button.
3. Use the navigational buttons to choose the source to remove and confirm with „OK“.
4. Confirm that you want to remove the chosen signal source by pressing the „OK“ button
, or
abort with the „Exit“ button.
5. Wait 30 seconds until the process is completed.