Rev: 09.2017
EBS Pre-Engineered Skid IOM
3.3 Transportation
The system can only be transported with the Disconnect Switch turned to the off
position, and the power isolated.
3.4 Communication
The Amiad Controller allows for basic communication using standard dry-contacts
for connecting to the end-user’s facility controller. Standard communication
Major Fault dry contact
Motor On dry contact
If the end-user requires additional logic to incorporate the filter into their system,
additional inputs are available. Refer to the schematic for the following:
Remote Start of the self-cleaning cycle – Allows the control panel to run in
the Automatic mode, self-cleaning/flush cycle will be initiated by differential
pressure or time.
Remote Stop of the equipment - If the filter is in self-cleaning mode, it will
terminate the operation, and return to filtering mode until the next self-
cleaning cycle is initiated.)
4. Operation
4.1 Initial Operation
Always use the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when
working with electrical components.
With the electrical source isolated, connect the appropriate electrical
connections to the Amiad Controller. Check on the data plate to ensure the
appropriate power supply is connected.
Add necessary short circuit protection as required on schematic.
Ensure pump is appropriately supplied with water.
Ensure Stop connections are installed.
Check the motor data plate and ensure that the motor overloads are set to
the FLA on the data plate.
Check to make sure that circuit breakers within panel are switched to the off
Before switching power on to the panel, use a meter to ensure the correct
voltage is being supplied to the panel.
Close the disconnect switch to the on position to supply power to the panel.
Before switching circuit breakers on, check voltages on the secondary of the
transformer to ensure the correct voltage.
Apply power to the control circuit by switching on the circuit breakers.
Check configuration of Inputs and Outputs if applicable.
Check timers to ensure appropriate self-cleaning/flush parameters.