5-12 | Thermox CG1000 Oxygen Analyzer
Set Clock
Set the current time and date and define a recovery duration.
During the recovery duration the sensor switches from measuring
calibration gas readings to measuring process readings without affect-
ing the analog output or triggering of alarms.
Set Time and Date
Set the date or time for the analyzer’s internal clock.
1. From the
key menu, select
Set Clock
2. From the
Set Clock
menu option, select
Set Time & Date
The time is: YY:XX
Enter new time: HR: Mn
3. Enter the new time, then press
. As you type the new time, it
overwrites the Hr: Mn text. The CG1000 uses military time so 16:00
equals 4:00 PM., and 04:00 equals 4:00 AM. If the current time is cor-
rect, press
without changing the value.
The date is: YY/XX/ZZ
Enter date: Mo/Da/Yr
4. As you type the new date, it overwrites the mo/da/yr text on the
display. Enter the month, the day, the year, then press
. If the
current date is correct, press
without changing the value.
Recovery Duration
Define a recovery time so the analyzer can return to reading process gases
after reading calibration gases without affecting the analog outputs or the
triggering of alarms. This menu option applies to both calibrations and
1. From the
key menu, select
Set Clock
2. From the
Set Clock
menu option, select
Recovery Duration
Cal Recovery = xx:yy
Enter new time: Mn:Sc
3. Enter the recovery time, then press
. If you want to use the cur-
rently displayed recovery time, press
without entering any text.