125614 04
- MA
- MA, <Range low> A, <Range high> A, <Temperature low> <temp.
unit> , <Temperature high> <temp. unit>
- MV
- <TC type>, <CJC type>, <Manuel CJC temperature> <temp. unit>
- <RTD type>, <wires>, <Custom Serial. No.>, <R0/RTPW>,
<A/ALR>, <B/BLR>, <C/CLR>, <AHR>, <BHR>, <CHR>, <DHR>,
6.3.21 VAL? (@<ch_list >)
Returns the value of the selected channels. Before this command
could be used the specified channels must be selected with the
CH_SCAN command. The value returned is based on the last
periodic scan.
For A-models the returned value is the CJC-temperature. The value
can have the following units : ohms, mV, V, mA, CEL, FAR, KEL.
For sensortype = SWITCH the returned value is =0 or 1 where
1=OPEN and 0=CLOSED.
6.3.22 CH_SCAN (@<ch_list>)
Starts scanning of the selected channels.
Stop scanning.
6.3.24 CH_SCAN?
Returns a list of the selected channels.
6.3.25 CAL_DATE
Used for downloading calibration date in all units connected. The data
must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD, e.g. 2005-06-28. Year must be
in the range 2005..2099.